
সাম্প্রতিক মন্তব্যসমূহ


Background: It took ten years to complete the poem “THE GOLDEN MEET”. I was a student of BBA 1st year 2nd semester and it was 2005. I was very much wild to create something new in this earth at that stage which might be heartening. Finally a spiritual thought inspired me to take the pen and I started to write. The poem has been completed in 2015. The language has been selected considering 6.5 billion people of the earth where none of the inhabitants can escape the greatest truth. Since my mother tongue Bengali is my identity, I have used some Bengali words to remind the earth that I am a Bangali. This poem is dedicated to the martyrs of language movement 1952 who sacrificed their life to save my mother tongue. I think, “THE GOLDEN MEET” is the greatest poem of life.


I seek the bird make me thought
Give me what- joy a lot
Like all birds, it flies in the sky
But not move upon my eye
Morning till dark- so many birds
Try to charm that of my heart
I never feel joy with the others
Rather than wait and stare

I seek the bird make me thought
Give me what- pleasure a lot
It makes me wake singing a song
Early in the morn for a long
But not stay when the sun rises
Such a conduct makes me anxious
I feel for it through the day
Where she lives none can say

Through the day, I feel for it
Wait and stare as to be met
Comes the day, goes the day
I find my self on the way
I dream to see once a time
As well to have in my rhyme
But she flies out of the glance
What makes me so more intense

Such disappearance weaken my mind
Reasons behind it I hardly find
Much more stress is felt than before
My soul there move where she soar
Mere the structure lays the earth
I loss myself; I loss my word
But who knows whether she feels
Thinking for me whether she thrills

Since a long day, I hear her song
As much I hear, I become so agong[1]
Her song seems me always new
As I never heard this song ago
It bably conveys a different meaning
Which is eternity for every being
My days mere go thinking her song
When to meet with this behong[2]

I can hardly think other than her
Nothing can but she only cheers
She also makes me some times sad
While I wait for long; neither her get
I often be frustrated neither her get
End on the day, the sun when sets
Again the next morn I tern to strong
Before the sun-rise as comes her song

Through the day, I remain so blithe
Wait to see just a single sight
When my eye will fall on her eye
I will stare her; she will stare my
There’ll no fear; there’ll no stress
There only ecstasy enough to make fresh
But this day too follow the past
Leave me as usual giving a frast

I wait for her; she comes never
Thus my days go; goes the year
But no board is felt toward the bird
Causing her songs occupy my heart
I don’t know whether she’ll come
In this earth, who can only charm
Notwithstanding, I wait for her
Having a hope just to see ever

I spent huge time to have the bird
Standing under sun, rain or blizzard
No force could make me leave away
Rather I stayed there struggling to they
But I was getting impatient for her
Day after day, as she was still far
At last the bird took pity on me
And I got a feather left by she

I was astounded having the feather
How long I looked, I can’t remember
It was a moment never be lost
Greater than time, valued then cost
There appeared a picture of the bird
Oh the beautiful! Snatched my word
I fallen in obsession with that beauty
I felt her existence all about me

It was a felling! Can only be felt
Never be viewed, never be stated
It’ll remain hidden inside my mind
None will know what I did find
What aspired me to wait more
Removing all frasts that I had before
I got only a feather- was not like that
It was a letter from her hand

This gain made me more blind to her
As much I been – before the feather
Wherever I look, it comes into view
A beautiful picture, that’s always new
I sense this beauty with my soul
Nothing but it makes me beacool[3]
To have a real touch of her hand
To see her live, I get impatient

I go across the earth looking for her
It seems- she lives no more far
She might move very near to me
Though I look for, neither her see
She hoply observes me from very near
What I think, even she may hear
I sense her presence around myself
With the song that repeats in the wave

I hear her song, I see her feather
Both the things play storm together
These play storm deep in my heart
And it forces me behind the bird
I wait, I move, I spend huge time
To have the bird in my rhyme
I believe- this time never be spoilt
She must come and must be felt

She will come to appease my mind
To adorn my life with love and kind
As I love her to have my own
As I wait for her since I was born
It may be today; it may be tomorrow
Or may be a day in future also
When my love will touch her heart
When my feelings will get shared

It seems- the day is no more far
To come up the bird from back to bare
To reveal her grace before this eye
What’ll be a bismoy[4]under the sky
It will be the day to reach nearer
To come two entities close to closer
There will no distance between the twos
No bar will exist while become close

An epic will begin to be written there
When the two entities will get together
She’ll be the soul and I’ll be the body
Together the both will frame the poetry
Each of the stanzas will have each moment
Each my feelings will be text in that
It will be a poetry not only that thing
Also be a memento of great wedding

It’ll be the memento to remind the earth
The great gathering of me and the bird
From the lovely spring to sunny summer
All along the month, all along the year
It will provide people a lovely feel
Make them delighted, make them thrill
Same what the feel, I will have there
Can only be felt, can never be shared

So many talks, so many discussions
There will go on across the seasons
Where ever people will get together
The size of the throng doesn’t matter
This epic will be the topic of the talk
All other issues will lost and block
A nonstop criticism will go on it
To make alive THE GOLDEN MEET

This is hope what keeps people alive
One, two, three, four, five …….
One hope broken tu[5] another form
What is appeared a universal norm
New hopes push people move forward
And old hopes turn into historical part
Life thus goes by this new and old
Some get ash and some get gold

It doesn’t matter – what people get
Life flows its own way without wait
It flows parallel as the time go
Nothing can stop its unending flow
This flow is true, this flow is eternal
This is found common but universal
Once this truth embraces another truth
Which is the greatest among all truths

I could not realize that I passed away
A long life with a long walking way
I just was having hope to get the bird
Waiting for whom I’ve really got tired
One day I there have had heavy sick
Which have made me so much weak
I cannot walk or even cannot stand
Rather I find me laying over the land

It goes my day and it goes my week
I cannot back from horrendous sick
Rather this health gets a gradual fall
No sign is appeared to get ride at all
It is now clear to me where I stand
I stand nowhere but before the end
The greatest truth is now in my front
I may have to face within few second

But I can’t forget the dreamed bird yet
Though I am standing before the death
I am waiting still to see the bird
She must come to appease this heart
I can’t leave earth without her meet
To meet whom I am still on the street
But she is staying out of my sight
Albeit I feel her by my left and right

By this time my senses have left me
Touch, smell, test, hearing - all the
Only the two eyes are still alive
And waiting to see the bird live
However, the bird has come at last
While I am going about under dust
She has come with a heartfelt greet
It’s happened “THE GOLDEN MEET”
বিষয়শ্রেণী: কবিতা
ব্লগটি ১১৬০ বার পঠিত হয়েছে।
প্রকাশের তারিখ: ২২/০৪/২০১৫

মন্তব্য যোগ করুন

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