Maya is fake
I am bound in Maya net
Captured your love,
Don't give me as much as you do
I don't want to do it.
I will be in love in the world
No I am prisoner,
So if it is true
I will make the treaty.
Life in Maya net friend
Otherwise doll game,
Color World will burn
Happy birthday to you.
Be two wings of two pole
If you're crossed,
With you in this world
I don't see you.
Captured your love,
Don't give me as much as you do
I don't want to do it.
I will be in love in the world
No I am prisoner,
So if it is true
I will make the treaty.
Life in Maya net friend
Otherwise doll game,
Color World will burn
Happy birthday to you.
Be two wings of two pole
If you're crossed,
With you in this world
I don't see you.
মন্তব্য যোগ করুন
এই লেখার উপর আপনার মন্তব্য জানাতে নিচের ফরমটি ব্যবহার করুন।
শঙ্খজিৎ ভট্টাচার্য ১০/০২/২০২৩sweet
সালমান মাহফুজ ০৯/০২/২০২৩হ্যাপি বার্থডে মায়া